quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012

Boa tarde!

Hoje é dia de Santa Xênia de Moscou, "Louca/Tola por Amor a Cristo", sem dúvida uma das minhas Santas favoritas (a coletânia de e-mails sobre a vida dela abaixo deste e-mail). A imagem dela com os tijolos se refere a quando ela, escondida no meio da noite, invadia a obra da construção de uma igreja e carregava sozinha os tijolos mais pesados até o andar de cima a fim de que os pedreiros não precisassem se esforçar tanto em seu trabalho diário.

Coincidência ou não, estes dias comecei a pesquisar sobre um "jovem de 96 anos de idade" chamado Dobri Dobrev:

Doze anos atrás, o ancião* Dobri decidiu largar a vida "comum" para dedicar-se a uma vida ascética, exclusivamente voltada para orar e pedir esmolas a serem entregues a Igrejas, Mosteiros e àquelas pessoas mais necessitadas. 
Como nos "Tolos por amor a Cristo" de antigamente, já houve caso de um grupo adolescentes que veio molestá-lo e só pararam quando adultos chegaram para protegê-lo. Ao perceber que os adolescentes fugiam com medo, Dobri de Baylovo foi atrás deles para perdoá-los. 

O seu dia-a-dia se dá basicamente em percorrer a pé os 43km (o equivalente a distância de São Paulo / Jundiaí) que separam a aldeia em que vive, Baylovo, e a Catedral de Alexander Nevski, em Sofia a fim de mendigar arrecadar fundos paras as Igrejas e Mosteiros. Nos intervalos do seu "trabalho", é necessário um olhar mais atendo para perceber sua entrada discretíssima na Igreja a fim de venerar algum Ícone ou Relíquia.

Atualmente Dobri de Baylovo vive apenas de uma pensão simbólica no valor de EUR 102 (cento e dois Euros) mas não há relatos de uma única vez que ele tenha reclamado de suas condições de vida. A sua alimentação se dá basicamente dos alimentos doados pelos fiéis piedosos (muitas vezes restos de comida, creio eu).

A título de informação, foi feito um levantamento sobre o total de "esmolas" que ele têm doado somente a Igrejas e Mosteiros até o momento:
BGN ("Leva", a moeda da Bulgária)
EUR (Euro)

BGN 36mil         EUR 18.413  Mosteiro Elenitsa
BGN 07mil         EUR   3.580  Igreja dos Sete Santos
BGN 11mil         EUR   5.626  Igreja de São Cirilo e Metódio
BGN 37.400       EUR 19.129  Catedral de São Alexander Nevinski

TOTAL doado em Euros: 46.748 (mais de quarenta e seis MIL Euros...).

Abaixo algumas fotos e videos em inglês e italiano (ou seria romeno/bulgaro?). Caso alguém tenha interesse, posso legendar em português.


L'Anziano Dobri Dobrev di Baylovo (Bulgaria) 


Living Bulgarian Orthodox Saint - Dobri Dobrev


Elder Dobri - live saint who amazed Bulgaria

Living Bulgarian Orthodox Saint - Dobri Dobrev


Que Santa Xênia interceda por nós e que Deus ilumine Dobri de Baylovo!

Santa Xênia de São Petersburgo, Tola (louca) por amor a Cristo

Ela nasceu em cerca de 1730. Se tornou uma jovem mulher casada com um coronel do exército chamado Andrei, um homem arrojado, amante da vida mundana.

Quando ela tinha vinte e seis anos, seu marido morreu de forma repentina, a deixando viúva sem filhos.

Após isso, ela se desfez de todas as suas posses e desapareceu de São Petersburgo por oito anos, no quais se acredita deve ter passado em algum eremitério ou mosteiro, afim de aprender os caminhos para buscar a vida espiritual.

No entanto, quando retornou a São Petersburgo, parecia que ela havia perdido a razão :

vestida com o casaco militar do marido, ela só atendia quando chamada pelo nome do falecido esposo.

Vivia desprovida de um lar, vagando pelas ruas da cidade, sendo escarnecida e abusada por muitos.

Aceitava as esmolas de pessoas caridosas que se compadeciam por ela, mas restituía toda a ajuda que recebia aos pobres.

Mesmo a comida que recebia, era por ela partilhada com os miseráveis, mesmo sendo ela a aparentemente mais pobre entre os pobres.

À noite, se retirava para uma área fora da cidade onde se ajoelhava em oração até a manhã.
Lentamente, o povo da cidade percebeu os sinais de santidade que norteavam a sua vida aparentemente perturbada.

Ela demonstrava ter um dom profético, e sua presença quase sempre provocava bênçãos aos que estavam ao seu redor.

O Synaxarion diz : “ A bênção de Deus parecia acompanhá-la onde quer que fosse: quando entrava em uma loja, os ganhos do dia eram melhores que os de costume, quando abraçava uma criança doente, logo esta melhorava...Então a compaixão popular passou a dar lugar ao sentimento de veneração, e as pessoas do povo passaram a considerar Xênia como um anjo da guarda da cidade.”

Quarenta e cinco anos após a morte do marido, Santa Xênia repousou em paz com a idade de setenta e um anos,por volta de 1800.

Seu túmulo logo se tornou um local de peregrinação, e muitas pessoas levavam o solo do entorno do tumulo para obter bênçãos, de modo que foi necessário fazer uma proteção de pedra para manter o tumulo protegido.

Mas mesmo esta proteção era continuadamente lascada pelos fieis, com a mesma busca pelas bênçãos de Deus através da Santa.

Milagres, curas e aparições de Santa Xênia ocorrem até os dias atuais, para aqueles que visitam o seu tumulo, ou simplesmente pedem com fé por sua intercessão.

Tradicionalmente as preces para a santa são de pessoas que buscam emprego, ter uma casa, ou mesmo um casamento (tudo o que ela renunciou em sua vida).

É um costume piedoso oferecer uma Panihida pelo repouso do esposo de Santa Xênia, o militar Andrei, homem por quem ela orava fervorosamente por toda a sua vida.

Santa Xênia foi primeiramente glorificada pela Igreja Ortodoxa Russa no Estrangeiro em 1978, e posteriormente pelo Patriarcado de Moscou em 1988.

Santa Xênia de São Petesburgo, Bem Aventurada de Deus, rogai por nós !

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bruno Alonso <brunoalonso2002@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 12:24 AM
Subject: Santa Xênia, "Tola de Cristo" ou "Louca em Nome de Cristo"
To: a-ortodoxia-brasil@yahoogrupos.com.br

Envio a vocês um breve resumo sobre a história de Santa Xênia, escrita por uma Monja de Indiana/EUA.
Abaixo vocês tem a versão original em inglês e uma tradução automática pelo google. Por ser uma tradução automática de uma lingua simples como o inglês para um idioma super complexo que é o nosso português, frequentemente há erros de concordância (principalmente feminino/masculino). Mas acho que a mensagem principal pode ser compreendida mesmo por aqueles que não tem nenhum conhecimento em inglês.
Após a leitura da vida dela, sugiro darem uma olhada também no hino dedicado à esta Santa. No caso do hino eu precisei alterar alguns trechos ou ficaria ilegível. Sintam-se absolutamente à vontade para sugerir tradução melhor.
Um forte abraço!
Vida de Santa Xênia de São Petersburgo 
por Nectaria McLees (monja ortodoxa)
São Xenia era uma bela jovem russa, da cidade de São Petersburgo, que se tornou um tolo para Cristo, e é assim que aconteceu.
Quando ela tinha idade suficiente, Xenia casou com um oficial de cavalaria arrojado chamado Andrei, e eles estavam muito felizes juntos. Porque eles eram jovens, que adorava ir a bailes e jantares, mas uma noite em uma festa de Andrei, de repente caiu morto! Isso foi terrível para Xenia, é claro. Andrei não tinha sequer teve tempo para ir à confissão e receber a Sagrada Comunhão, antes de morrer, e ela ficou terrivelmente preocupado com sua alma. Depois de Andrei foi sepultado, Xenia deixou São Petersburgo por um longo tempo e algumas pessoas que ela chegou a ir a um mosteiro. Eu não sei nada sobre este período, mas eu sei que quando voltou, ela deu tudo que tinha, sua casa, seu dinheiro e suas roupas bonitas. Em vez de suas próprias coisas, que ela usava jaqueta de Andrei antigo exército e disse a todos a chamá-la pelo seu nome. Ela passou por toda a cidade fazendo o bem para as pessoas em seu nome, para que, se sua alma que sofria de seus pecados que ele não tinha se arrependido de, seus atos e orações iria ajudá-lo. Os cristãos freqüentemente dar dinheiro ou oferecer orações para as almas das pessoas que já morreram. Isso é chamado de "esmola", mas não é tão comum que desistir de sua vida inteira para outra pessoa, que é o que Xenia fez. A coisa interessante sobre como fazer boas ações e oferecendo orações de outras pessoas é que logo você se tornar muito perto de Deus mesmo, e é isso o que aconteceu com Xenia. Ela estava rezando tão fervorosamente para o marido que ela tornou-se santa!
Muitas pessoas pensaram que ela era um pouco louco, especialmente quando ela deu todo o seu dinheiro fora. (Editores notas: os parentes de Xênia a levaram a um tribunal, mas o juiz considerou que sua mente estava saudável e consciente, enquanto ela continuava a ajudar os pobres). Mas na Igreja Ortodoxa, temos um nome para as pessoas santas que tem fama de loucas. Nós os chamamos de "Tolos-de-Cristo". Eles geralmente não são loucos, mas apenas se comportam de um modo que possam esconder seus dons espirituais. O Senhor deu muitos dons espirituais à Xênia e ela começou a fazer coisas estranhas, como andar descalço na neve e vestindo roupas diferentes para que as pessoas não pensassem que ela era especial. Às vezes ela sabia o que ia acontecer antes que acontecesse, ou se as pessoas tiveram um problema e não sabia o que Deus queria que eles fizessem, poderia dizer-lhes. Muitas vezes, só de olhar para as pessoas, ela sabia se eles estavam falando a verdade ou não.
Às vezes, quando os cristãos de fazer coisas boas, que elas são feitas secretamente, de modo que só Deus vê. Isso ocorre porque o Senhor disse: "Não deixe a sua mão esquerda saiba o que sua mão direita está fazendo", e "Faça as vossas boas obras em segredo, para que vosso Pai, que vê em secreto, pode te recompensará." Isto é o que esta imagem de São Xenia está em causa. Muitos anos atrás, quando o povo de São Petersburgo estavam construindo uma igreja no cemitério de Smolensk, São Xenia costumava ir secretamente à noite levar os tijolos pesados que eram necessários para a construção do dia seguinte ao início da igreja. Quando os operários chegaram a cada manhã, eles encontraram a parte mais difícil do trabalho já concluído, e que muitas vezes se perguntou quem estava fazendo uma coisa dessas espécie. Finalmente, dois dos operários decidiram passar a noite no cemitério. Eles esperaram e esperaram, e quando já estava escuro, Saint Xenia apareceu. Durante toda a noite eles eles observaram ela subir e descer com os tijolos na igreja semi-acabada.

A igreja Saint Xenia que ajudaram a construir ainda está no cemitério de Smolensk, e há uma pequena capela próxima, onde ela está enterrada. Peregrinos de toda a Rússia ainda vêm aqui para rezar e ajudar. Durante o ano terrivelmente difícil na Rússia, quando as igrejas foram fechadas porque os comunistas não querem que as pessoas adoram a Deus, os peregrinos chegaram secretamente a São Xenia. A porta da capela estava trancada, e porque eles não podiam entrar, eles escreveram as suas orações a ela em pequenos pedaços de papel e colocou-os nas rachaduras nas paredes. Os comunistas não gostaram nem um pouco disto, mas eles logo descobriram que era impossível parar os cristãos de amor ao Santos, ou para parar o Santos de ajudá-los!
Deus curou muitas pessoas de doenças e paixões através de orações Saint Xenia. Ela também ajuda a encontrar casas e empregos. São Xenia não ter uma casa própria, e ela sabe o quão difícil é para as pessoas que precisam de um. No serviço da igreja para a sua festa chamamos-lhe um "andarilho sem teto", porque ela desistiu de sua casa terrena para obter o Céu (Paraíso).
Fonte: Paraíso de uma criança de Santos, por Nun Nectaria McLees, Cristo, o Salvador da Fraternidade, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2000, pp.59-61.
Outros livros infantis de qualidade está disponível a partir de Cristo, o Salvador da Irmandade de edição:
Abençoa, ó Senhor: Um Prayerbook dos jovens, Vladimirov Artemy Pai Casa de Deus Marchenko Vyacheslav Endereço: Cristo, o Salvador Publishing Irmandade, 
PO Box 265 Ash Grove, Missouri 65604 
m.berry @ ix.netcom.com: e-mail
Tropário ou Hino Plagal do Tom Quarta em Comemoração do St. Petersburg Xenia Mãe Santíssima Comemorado em 24 de janeiro

Em ti,
Oh, estranha andarilha,
Cristo, o Senhor
Nos deu um intercessor ardente de nossa espécie.
Por ter recebido em tua vida os sofrimentos e pesar
E ter servido a Deus e os homens com amor,
Tú adquiristes muita coragem.
Nós fervorosamente recorremos a ti nas tentações e aflições,
Clamando das profundezas do nosso coração:
Não permita que nossa esperança se cubra de vergonha, oh Abençoada Xênia. 
Bem-Aventurada Xênia Patitsas por Kathleen
Introdução por Serfes Arquimandrita Nektarios: O seguinte "Bem-aventurados Xenia" balada Ortodoxa é a partir de um cassete chamada "Out Of The Land Of Russia", e está sendo apresentado, e cantada por Katina Patitsas, que pode ser obtido a partir de: Katina Productions, Box 427 Huntington, PA. 16652. Para obter mais informações sobre este cassete e acesso a outros também: http:www.katinamusic.com A seguir está sendo apresentado com a permissão de Katina Patitsas.
Oh, Xênia; Oh, Xênia;
Bem-aventurada tola em Nome de Cristo;
Vagando pelas ruas de São Petersburgo. 
"Me chamem de André, que é o meu nome."
Ser uma jovem viúva era sua sina,
De luto pela alma de seu marido. Sem arrependimento veio sua morte; 
"Vou vestir a roupa do meu marido."
Oh, Xênia; Oh, Xênia;Vendendo todos os bens, Assim começou sua vida errante; Livre foi ela das coisas terrenas.
Foi-se ela de São Petersburgo Visando preparar-se;Os anciãos bem a ensinaram Para o trabalho que ela abraçou.
Oh, Xênia; Oh, Xênia;
Loucura por causa de Cristo; 
Uma vida de andarilha sem-teto, 
Fome, frio e nudez.
Loucura... E que loucura...
Foi o que a Bem-Aventurada adotou;
Diante dela a imagem de Cristo: De fato, uma estranha a este mundo.
Oh, Xênia; Oh, Xênia;
Virtude cristã encheu sua alma. Logo, o dom da profecia Esta abençoada recebeu.

"Façam panquecas! Façam panquecas! Todos na Rússia logo farão!" A imperatriz morreu no dia seguinte; Panquecas foram servidas em sua memória.
Oh, Xênia; Oh, Xênia;Tu conheces o amor de Cristo. Ensina-nos a tua sabedoria! Bendita tola por amor de Cristo, Bendita tola por amor de Cristo.

Santa Santa Bendita Mãe Xênia, Ore a Deus por nós! Glória a Deus por tudo!
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ O conteúdo escrito / compilado por Reverendíssimo Arquimandrita Nectário Serfes. (C) 2002 Nektarios Serfes Pai
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Life Of St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg
Compiled By Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes
Boise, Idaho
February 26 2002

Icon Of St. Xenia Of Petersburg, Helping To Build A Church
Icon Of St. Xenia Of Petersburg,
Helping To Build A Church
Introduction by Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes

God Bless You!

Humbly I am presenting to you the "Life of St. Xenia" (Xenia Grigorievna Petrova) known as the Fool-for- Christ's sake, and a Wonderworker, who is still known among the God loving faithful as St. Blessed Mother Xenia of Petersburg, Russia. The following life of St. Xenia was written for children, and even parents can read this life to their beloved children. It would also be spiritually rewarding to let your teenager read this life.
We have other saints named St. Xenia and would like to indicate them to you:
  • St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, Russia. Commemorated on January 24.
  • St. Xenia of Kalamae, the Great Martyr, Wonderworker. Commemorated on May 3.
  • St. Xenia the Righteous of Rome. Commemorated on January 24.
  • St. Xenia the Martyr. Commemorated on January 18.
Please kindly note that both St. Blessed Mother Xenia of Petersburg, and St. Xenia the Righteous of Rome, are both commemorated in the Orthodox Church on January 24th.
What we do know in addition about St. Blessed Mother Xenia of Petersburg, was that she was born around 1730, and reposed in the Lord around the year 1800, and she was about seventy-one. Without a doubt St. Blessed Mother Xenia was given many great spiritual gifts of prayer and prophecy, and often foretold things to come: in 1796 she even foretold the death of Empress Catherine II of Russia. St. Xenia did spend time in a Convent after the repose of her beloved husband named: Andrei. Keep well in mind too that she was homeless, and was often seen kneeling on the ground at the main cemetery in Petersburg in prayer. After the repose of Mother Xenia, her grave sight became indeed a source of many prayers. In addition many men, women, as well as youth where converted to the Russian Orthodox faith by the prayers and intercessions of this holy women and saint. During the times of communism in Russia no one could have access to the church which was built over the site of her burial, even a large fence was put around the church so the faithful could not have access. The faithful however would bring flowers to the fence, and write notes to the saint and many found answers to their prayers. When the communist told the faithful to stop bringing flowers to the popular grave site church of the ten foot high fence, the faithful then made paper flowers. Those who obtained soil from her grave near the fence and church have observed miracles in abundance. The main church has been restored and the fence is now down, and the church was blessed for all the faithful to now enter and to pray to St. Blessed Mother Xenia of St. Petersburg.
Until this day St. Blessed Mother Xenia is noted for her intercessions in helping those with employment, marriage, the homeless, for fires, for missing children, and for a spouse.
Now I would like to present to you the main hymn sung in the Orthodox Church to St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, which is called in the Greek Orthodox Church as the Dismissal Hymn, and among the Russian Orthodox the Troparion, although both terms can be used. Keep in mind also that the Orthodox Church has a series of eight tones, and each tropar or dismissal which is indicated how to sing this prayer, and if your unable to sing the prayer then it could be humbly read.

Troparion or Dismissal Hymn
Plagal of the Fourth Tone
in Commemoration of St. Blessed Mother Xenia Petersburg
Commemorated on January 24th

In thee, O wandering stranger, Christ the Lord hath given us an ardent intercessor for our kind. For having received in thy life sufferings and grief and served God and men with love, thou didst acquire great boldness. Wherefore, we fervently hasten to thee in temptations and grief, crying out from the depths of our hearts: Put not our hope to shame, O Blessed Xenia.

Now I would like to humbly present to you the life of St. Blessed Mother Xenia of Petersburg that you can read to your beloved children, and you can as well as use the above indicated as a background:

Life Of Saint Xenia Of Petersburg
by Nun Nectaria McLees

Saint Xenia was a beautiful young Russian girl from the city of Saint Petersburg, who became a Fool-for-Christ, and this is how it happened.
When she was just old enough, Xenia married a dashing cavalry officer named Andrei, and they were very happy together. Because they were young, they loved going to balls and dinners, but one night at a party Andrei suddenly fell over dead! This was terrible for Xenia, of course. Andrei had not even had time to go to Confession or receive Holy Communion before he died, and she was dreadfully worried about his soul. After Andrei was buried, Xenia left Saint Petersburg for a long time and some people she even went to a monastery. I don't know about that, but I do know that when she came back she gave away everything she had-her house, her money and her beautiful clothes. Instead of her own things, she wore Andrei's old army jacket and told everyone to call her by his name. She went all over the city doing good for people in his name, so that if his soul which was suffering from his sins that he hadn't repented of, her deeds and prayers would help him. Christians often give money or offer prayers for the souls of people who have died. This is called "almsgiving", but it is not so common to give up your whole life for another person, which is what Xenia did. The interesting thing about doing good deeds and offering prayers for other people is that soon you become very close to God yourself, and that's what happened to Xenia. She was praying so hard for her husband that she became holy!
Many people thought that she was a little crazy, especially when she gave all her money away. (Editors notes: Xenia relatives event took her to court, but the judge found of her of good sound mind as she continued to help the poor). But in the Orthodox Church we have a name for holy people that other people might think are crazy. We call them "Fools-for-Christ." They often aren't crazy, but just pretend to be so that they can hide their spiritual gifts. The Lord had given Xenia many spiritual gifts and she began to do odd things like walking barefoot in the snow and wearing unusual clothes so that people wouldn't think she was special. She sometimes knew what was going to happen before it happened, or if people had a problem and didn't know what God wanted them to do, she could tell them. Often just by looking at people, she knew if they were telling the truth or not.
Sometimes, when Christians do good things, they do them secretly so that only God sees. This is because the Lord said, "Let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing," and, "Do your good works in secret so that your father who sees you in secret can reward you openly." This is what this picture of Saint Xenia is about. Many years ago, when the people of Saint Petersburg were building a church in the Smolensk Cemetery, Saint Xenia used to go directly at night and carry the heavy bricks that were needed for the next day's building to the top of the church. When the workmen came every morning, they found the hardest part of their work already finished, and they often wondered who was doing such a kind thing. Finally, two of the workmen decided to spend the night in the cemetery. They waited and waited, and when it was dark, Saint Xenia appeared. All night long they watcher climb up and down, up and down the walls of the half-finished church with her bricks.
The church that Saint Xenia helped to build is still in the Smolensk Cemetery, and there is a tiny chapel nearby where she is buried. Pilgrims from all over Russia still come there to pray and to help. During the terribly difficult years in Russia, when the churches were closed because the Communists didn't want people to worship God, pilgrims came secretly to Saint Xenia's. The door to the chapel was locked, and because they couldn't get in, they wrote their prayers to her on little scraps of paper and slipped them into the cracks in the walls. The Communist didn't like this one bit, but they soon found out that it was impossible to stop Christians from loving the Saints, or to stop the Saints from helping them!
God has healed many people of illnesses and passions through Saint Xenia's prayers. She also helps find homes and jobs. St. Xenia didn't have a home herself, and she knows how hard it is for people who need one. In the church service for her feast we call her a "homeless wanderer," because she gave up her earthly home for heaven.
Source: A Child's Paradise Of Saints, by Nun Nectaria McLees, Christ the Saviour Brotherhood, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2000, pp.59-61.
Other quality children's books available from Christ the Saviour Brotherhood Publishing:
  • Bless, O Lord: A Prayerbook For Young People by Father Artemy Vladimirov
  • House Of God by Vyacheslav Marchenko
Christ the Saviour Brotherhood Publishing,
PO Box 265 Ash Grove,
Missouri 65604
email : m.berry@ix.netcom.com

Blessed Xenia
by Kathleen Patitsas

Introduction by Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes:
The following "Blessed Xenia" Orthodox ballad is from a cassette called "Out Of The Land Of Russia", and is being presented, and sung by Katina Patitsas, which can be obtained on from: Katina Productions, Box 427 Huntington, PA. 16652. For more information about this cassette and others access too: http:www.katinamusic.com The following is being presented with permission from Katina Patitsas.
O Xenia, O Xenia
Blessed fool for Christ's sake,
Wandering streets of Petersburg.
"Call me Andrew, that's my name."
A young widow was her lot,
Grieving for her husband's soul.
Without repentance came his death;
"I shall wear my husband's clothes."
O Xenia, O Xenia,
Sellling all possessions,
So began her wandering.
Free was she from earthly things.
Gone was she from Petersburg
Seeking to prepare herself.
The holy elders taught her well
For the labor that she undertook.
O Xenia, O Xenia,
Foolishness for Christ's sake;
A homeless life of wandering,
Hunger, cold and nakedness.
Foolishness, what foolishness
Did the Blessed one embrace.
Before her was the image of Christ:
Indeed, a stranger to this world.
O Xenia, O Xenia,
Christian virtue filled her soul.
Soon the gift of prophecy
Did this Blessed one receive.
"Make pancakes! Make pancakes!
All of Russia soon will make."
The Empress died the very next day;
Pancakes served in her memory.
O Xenia, O Xenia,
Thou didst know the love of Christ.
Teach us in thy wisdom
Blessed fool for Christ's sake,
Blessed fool for Christ's sake.

Holy St. Blessed Mother Xenia,
Pray To God For Us!Glory Be To God For All Things!

Content written/compiled by Father Nektarios Serfes.
(c)2002 Father Nektarios Serfes
 Orthodox America

  Diveyevo’s Holy “Fools” 

...we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake. (I Cor. 4:9-10) 

One of the principal values in reading Lives of Saints is that these are men and women with whom we can identify and in some small measure emulate, striving towards those virtues which they so brilliantly reflect. By contrast, one might question the utility of describing the extreme and even scandalous behavior of these fools-for Christ, whose path to salvation is so foreign to our own. In fact, the purpose here is not to provide examples for emulation; in this age of spiritual immaturity and fakery this would invite disaster. Rather, it is to jolt our rational sensibilities, our devotion to what is "reasonable," so coveted by our Western culture, and to open our eyes to Christianity's essential otherworldliness. These Lives serve as a stark reminder that, as bishop Theophan the Recluse wrote, "the spiritual world is such a realm into which the wisdom of this world does not penetrate." 

     Foolishness-for-Christ’s-sake is considered to be the most difficult of Christian spiritual exploits. It is frequently misunderstood and, if undertaken outside the will of God, is a sign of spiritual deception--prelest. St. Seraphim of Sarov, who himself manifest on occasion certain traits of this 'holy folly', warned of the peril of embarking upon such a path without a special call from the Lord. The primary purpose of such an undertaking is to intensify humility and thereby to defeat the demon of vainglory, who avidly preys upon those richly endowed with spiritual gifts, those well advanced on the ladder to perfection. These ascetics feign madness, deliberately provoking others to make fun of them and offend them; they are voluntary martyrs, dying to the world, to what is considered "acceptable" and "reasonable,'' for the sake of a life hidden in Christ, a realm which lies above the level of purely human understanding. By their strange behavior and enigmatic words--they often speak in riddles and parables---these chosen ones of God also serve as living reminders of the transcendent aim of life. It has been noted that they appear in Christian societies at times of spiritual laxity: when piety has become mere habit, when Christian love runs shallow and people's hearts are not illumined by the grace of God.

      For obvious reasons the podvig of foolishness-for-Christ is not a common phenomenon; within the Church's rich hagiographical depository, there are relatively few fools-for-Christ: St. Andrew of Constantinople, St. Basil of Moscow, St. Xenia of Petersburg, Blessed Feofil of the Kiev Caves... It is striking, therefore, to find in Russia's Diveyevo Convent a succession of holy fools, "blazhenni," not unlike Optina's "golden chain" of God-bearing elders.

     The first fool-for-Christ of Diveyevo was blessed Parasceva Semyonovna Meliukova. In blessing her on this path, St. Seraphim told her to undertake it only after his death, a time of troubles for the Convent, in order to defend the truth. After barely a week she collapsed under the strain--which gives one an idea of the spiritual stamina necessary to bear it successfully. Nine days later she died.

      Still in her lifetime there settled in Diveyevo another fool-for-Christ, Pelagia Ivanovna Sembrenikova. As a young married woman she visited St. Seraphim, who conversed privately with her for a long time. On parting, the Elder bowed to her and said, "Go, Matushka, to Diveyevo and defend my orphans. God win glorify you there." And he handed her a prayer rope. As she walked away, a young monk standing outside the elder's cell asked him who she was. "Trust God, Fr. John," replied the Saint, "this woman whom you see will be a great luminary for the whole world....She is Pelagia Ivanovna, from Arzamas."

      On returning home, Pelagia Ivanovna began acting as though she had gone mad, running around Arzamas and shouting inanities. For several years she endured unspeakable torments from her relatives: her husband locked her up, beat her, chained her to a wall, and finally abandoned her altogether. Half-dressed, she spent freezing winter nights on a church porch. But she remained unshaken, encouraged in her exploit by another fool-for-Christ living in the same town, who evidently guided her.

      After four years of this harsh' life, she was sitting one day in the road when a Diveyevo nun of considerable spiritual experience came up to- her. "You've been acting crazy here long enough; it's time you came to us in Diveyevo, for this is pleasing to God."

       In Diveyevo Pelagia Ivanovna continued her tormenting struggle. She deliberately visited the cells of those nuns who were rather severe and didn't like her, and vexed them no end. For example, she would bring into their cells rocks, clay and all kinds of dirt, patiently enduring in return verbal abuse and sometimes even beatings. No one understood her. She was considered to be an ordinary crazy woman and quite unbearable. Only young Mother Anna was patient and loving with her, and for forty-five years Pelagia lived in her care. The blessed one straightway loved the young nun for her kind heart, but she sometimes provoked her as well. For example, she would throw rocks into a clay pit filled with water and come home covered with mud, and Mother Anna would have to wash and change her. She did this constantly. Mother Anna kept all her recollections about the blessed one's life in Diveyevo. Finally, the following incident served to open everyone's eyes.

      To everyone's consternation, Pelagia Ivanovna began running every day to the local tavern. Through her God-given gift of discernment she knew that the owner of the tavern was diabolically inspired to murder his innocent wife. But she told no one about this. And so, late one night, thinking he was alone with his wife, the tavern owner raised his knife to kill her. At that very moment the blessed one, having hidden behind some kegs, jumped out in front of him. "You fool, what are you doing?!!" . she shouted. The fear of God seized the guilty man. He dropped the knife, and the blessed one, having accomplished her mission, ran off. The next day the tavern owner came with his wife to the convent and, with a contrite heart, related all that had happened. From then on, peace and concord established themselves in his home, and the blessed one ceased going to the tavern. At the same time, the sisters' attitude towards her changed: they understood that among them was a genuine ascetic.

      Gradually, Pelagia Ivanovna began to manifest other spiritual gifts, especially the gift of directing souls. All the sisters came under her spiritual guidance, and she had quite a number of spiritual children among the laity as well. As for the abbess, she did nothing without consulting the blessed one, and only with the abbess did the blessed one converse normally, without acting the fool.

      The painter, M. P. Petrov, was a living example of that grace-filled action through which she directed people's hearts to the way of salvation.

      Returning from a trip to Mount Athos, Petrov stopped in Sarov and Diveyevo. He was taken to see, Pelagia Ivanovna. His first impression was oppressive. Pelagia did not respond to his questions; she sat by the door, all hunched up, with huge fingernails and toenails. Ho had been at the Convent about a month when, acquiescing to the persistent urging of the sisters, he rather reluctantly decided to go see her again.

       "When I entered," related Petrov, "she got up and, drawing herself to her full height, began running about the room laughing; then she ran up to me and hit me on the shoulder: 'Well?' That arm had long pained me as a result of palsy, but after that hit the pain instantly subsided and disappeared altogether. I was overcome by a kind of panic and stood speechless, shaking with fright. She then proceeded to tell me all about my past life, including amazing details which no one but I knew about. She even related the contents of a letter which I'd sent that day to Petersburg."

       Astounded, Petrov fell to his knees and kissed her hand. From then on he became her earnest visitor and admirer.

       "She pulled me from the depths of hell," he said later.

       Before her repose on January 30, 1884 (O.S.), she was granted to receive the Holy Mysteries from angels, as witnessed by Mother Anna. After her repose she was seen in a vision, kneeling before the Most Holy Mother of God together with St. Seraphim. Blessed Parasceva Semyonovna called her "a second Seraphim," and she became known as “Seraphim's Seraphim."


           During this time there lived in Diveyevo yet another fool-for-Christ, Natalia Dmitrievna--"Natashenka".     Little is known of her background, other than that she came from a peasant family of the Orenburg province. At first, she too sorely tried the nuns' patience---she would stand by the choir, her head uncovered, and make faces--and she would have been evicted had not Blessed Pelagia appeared in a vision to one of the senior nuns with a paper on which was written in large letters: "Do not touch Natalia; she is assigned to live here!"

     It was generally believed that she had been secretly tonsured in Kiev and, judging from her behavior and way of life, she had been directed by the elders onto an exceptionally difficult path. Weeks, even months at a time she would spend in the hay shed - a shelter consisting of little more than a roof—in winter, summer, good weather and bad; she ate little and on fast days nothing at all; she never combed her hair, never bathed and changed her clothes only once a year---on the Feast of Protection; she never lay down to sleep but rested in a sitting position. She would spend whole days in church and never missed a service. Her obedience was to read the Psalter at night. One of her most striking peculiarities was her habit of moving sideways, and always along the same path or floorboards. She insisted that visitors not come up to her directly but that they take steps backwards and forwards for several minutes while reciting, "Theotokos and Virgin, rejoice..."

    This evidently allowed her time to pray for the Lord's guidance, and also prepared her visitors to receive her advice. Unlike many "holy fools," who spoke in riddles, Natashenka was very clear and direct in her counsel. Her wisdom was profound.

       To the ordinary person, these "eccentricities" seem senseless, bizarre, idiotic, irrational. But it is for just this reason that the elder prescribed them-in order to vanquish human reasoning, self-will, and, with the help of such a harsh obedience-intolerable for most--to force a complete renunciation of the world, a complete turning inward, into the heart where the Kingdom of Heaven is' to be found. Few have the spiritual eyes to see the real meaning of such severe exploits. Worldly people are horrified by their utter and deliberate neglect of personal hygiene; some even think they must find this pleasurable, although it is rare that a person can tolerate such bodily filth. The very fact that it disgusts people and that it is so unbearable constitutes a real struggle and shows that the ascetic has subjugated his carnal passions by the spirit and celebrates victory in the sweetest feeling of love for Christ.

      When Natasha grew old, she ceased her foolishness. She died in 1899, having spent more than fifty years in Diveyevo.


    Not long before Pelagia Ivanovna died, she saw from her window a woman coming towards her from the convent gates. She shouted at her, shaking her finger threateningly. The woman stopped. "Is it still too early, mother?" she asked. "Early," answered the blessed one. The woman bowed low and left as she had come. She would return periodically for extended visits and, after Pelagia Ivanovna died, she remained there to live. Who was she? Her name in holy baptism was Nadezhda, but everyone knew her as Pasha of Serov, or Parasceva Ivanovna. Years earlier, after enduring frightful trials, she had gone on pilgrimage to Kiev; on her return she had begun to act the fool and call herself Parasceva. It was therefore surmised that in Kiev she had been secretly tonsured and the elders had guided her onto the path of foolishness- for-Christ's-sake.

      At first she undertook this podvig in a village, then she went to live as a hermit in the Sarov forest. Tall, thin, sunburnt and barefoot, wearing a man's shirt, she resembled St. Mary of Egypt. Like St. Seraphim she was beaten up by robbers who left her in a pool of blood.

      In Diveyevo Pasha straightway took Pelagia Ivanovna's place as spiritual directress. The abbess likewise consulted her in every undertaking. The sisters called her "Little Mother," and, like Pelagia Ivanovna, she had many spiritual children among lay people. In contrast to Blessed Natalia, Pasha was very clean and liked everything to be tidy. She loved to wear bright colors. Her bed was covered with fat pillows and dolls. She herself rarely used it. In her spare time she would knit socks or crochet while saying the Jesus Prayer --for which reason the items she made were much coveted.

      When the Royal Family came to the Diveyevo Convent at the opening of the relics of Saint Seraphim, July 19, 1903, Blessed Parasceva foretold the birth of their son, Tsarevich Alexis. Before they arrived she prepared a large boy doll, which she gave to the Empress. (She often prophesied using dolls, as did Elder Nectarius of Optina). The Tsar, after speaking with the blessed one, said that he had visited and spoken with many holy people, and all of them had received him as Tsar, but only Parasceva Ivanovna received him as an ordinary person. After this the Tsar corresponded with the blessed one through a special courier, Not long before her death she answered the Tsar’s last question with the words, “Sir, leave the throne yourself.” The blessed one would cross herself before a portrait of the Tsar that hung in her ceil, and daily made a prostration before it, in spite of being already ill and so weak that her cell attendant had to assist her in getting up. In 1914, while praying before the portrait, she said, 'There's not much time left now for our dearest one." Several limes the blessed one called the Tsar a martyr and said, "This Tsar will be higher than all the other tsars." She died in 1915 at the age of 120.


     Pasha's successor was Maria lvanovna, a clairvoyant and wise spiritual directress. She had a spiritual son, Michael Ar...ov, with whom she often joked. Once Misha's cousins, nuns, came to Diveyevo to see Maria Ivanovna. They asked how Misha was doing. "He's gotten involved with a gypsy," she told them. The sisters worried, and at the next opportunity they asked their cousin, "You must tell us what's happened to you? Surprised, Misha asked, "But what could have happened?" "Maria Ivanovna told us that you're involved with a gypsy." Misha began to laugh and then explained that he hadn't smoked for many years, but not long ago he succumbed to the temptation; he bought a pack of "Gypsy" brand cigarettes and started smoking again.

      Soon after the Revolution Maria Ivanovna began to use really terrible, foul language. She did this for a number of days. The nuns who lived with her couldn't bear it and would leave the house from time to lime to get some relief. Finally, they could tolerate no more and began to rebuke Maria Ivanovna, "How can you use such foul language?! Parasceva Ivanovna never did that." The blessed one replied, "Under Nicholas she could speak nicely, but try doing that under the Soviets!"

Blessed Maria Ivanovna died in 1927.


(Translated and compiled from Russian Orthodox Women's Monasticism by Nun Taisia, Jordanvllle, 1985; St. Seraphim of Sarov by Dr. A. Timofieyvich, Novo-Diveyevo, 1953; A Chronicle of Diveyevo Monastery, St. Herman of Alaska Monastery, 1978; "The Fools for Christ of Diveyevo", a samizdat at-tide translated by Nun Evfrosinia; and "Blessed Pelagia Ivanovna, Fool-for-Christ," in Nadezhhda, Vol. 12, Possev, Frankfurt.

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